The joy of mobility starts here

Jivamukti Digital invites you to participate in a FREE 4-week mobility plan to strengthen your asana practice, guided by Mitch Burnett. You'll get access to three mobility classes that will strengthen and improve mobility in the hips, shoulders and abs. With regular commitment to this plan, you're guaranteed to improve your Yoga practice. You'll also find a daily practice recommendation, curated by the team at Jivamukti Digital, to support the journey.

Here's what you'll be practicing

Hip Opening Workshop 60 min
Abdominal Strengthening 20 min
Shoulder Opening 45 min

Access the plan, totally free!

Step One Log in with your
Google credentials
Step Two Check your email to get your temporary password and link to the content
Step Three Log in and start the
4-Week Mobility Plan

Your daily practice recommendation

Follow this plan or integrate with other classes on Jivamukti Digital

Benefits of the FREE 4-Week Mobility Plan

What will start to change if you make this commitment?

Improved hold and control

Building strength through repetition will help you control challenging asanas like inversions with balance.

Letting go of fear

Your practice will feel safer and sturdier as you build both strength and trust in your body, creating stability.

Sthira-sukham asanam

Your connection to the Earth will grow steadier and more joyful as you ground yourself with mindful alignment.

Register today to unlock the plan

Start today with just your email address (no need to create an account) and receive the FREE 4-Week Mobility Plan to your mailbox

About Your Teacher
Mitch Burnett

Mitch's classes are inspired and developed through a combined practice of Jivamukti and other spiritual disciplines.

Mitch uses movement and breath as primary tools to harmonise the Body and Mind.

He believes that the harmony of body and mind develops deep states of concentration and focus.

The concentration and focus is used to explore the more subtle elements of the Yogic teachings.

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$17.99 billed monthly

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